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Open House
See Beyond Our World
Enhance your research or explore your curiosities using research-grade telescopes to explore the night sky.
The observatory's telescopes can be used for both research and public viewing. The observatory is open to the public only during scheduled Open House events.
The latest addition to our collection is a Planewave CDK 700 27-inch telescope. Images are captured by an Andor Ikon-L CCD in addition to a Takahashi Petzval refractor. The telescope is housed inside of a clamshell, AstroHaven dome. This telescope is located next to the original dome which houses a Meade 16-inch LX200 Schmidt-Cassegrain with an attached 5-inch Televue refractor.
Each telescope uses special CCD cameras to image faint astronomical objects. The cameras pick up details that the eye is unable to detect. The cameras can also collect data for long periods of time while tracking the motion of the stars in order to capture detail.

Current Weather
Open House
Our next open house event will be announce here for Spring 2025
Please watch this page and our Facebook page for more information about upcoming open house opportunities.
What to Expect
- Poor weather or cloudy skies may force us to cancel with short notice. Please monitor our site and our Facebook page for updates.
- It cools quickly after the sun sets. Please dress accordingly; layers are recommended.
- Several 10-inch telescopes will be available for public use.
- University staff will be available to guide and answer your questions.
- There are no water or facilities at the observatory.
View and print directions to the Observatory.
Parking is limited, so please be aware of vehicles coming and going, as we have excited little visitors. The drive into the parking area is a one-way drive. It is narrow and does not have room for passing vehicles. Please do not park on the drive beyond the gate before the parking lot. Additional parking is available on the paved County Road 4208 or in the parking area at the Observatory only.
Like us on Facebook to receive future notices as they are available.
The observatory is located approximately five miles south of Commerce.
Directions: Traveling south of Commerce on Highway 50, turn east on County Road 4208. The entrance to the Observatory is approximately half a mile on the left.
Planetarium/Observatory::Contact Us
Contact Us
- Planetarium and Observatory
- 903.468.8650
- [email protected]
- P.O. Box 3011
- Commerce, TX 75429-3011
For a recorded message providing show information and times, call 903.468.8652.
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